Monday 21 March 2011

Ladies!! We need to step up.

So today am just walking around minding my own business, then i meet this really beautiful lady. She had a hot sweater, a cute top, nice pants, and cute shoes. she also had an OK bag.
Now here is where the problem comes in...
The sweater was striped
The top was flowered
The  shoes had polka dots
The bag was black with small hearts all over it
And the pants were plain blue.

I just stood in the middle of the road in shock. What would posses such a beautiful girl to dress like that? I mean all the items of clothing were nice but the way she put them together was just wrong. The outfit looked like an overdecorated Christmas tree. Ladies we need to learn the basics of dressing or putting outfits together....... Certain patterns do not go together and in this case, having all those patterns in one outfit is outright fashion suicide.


  1. ok. now i know how my girlfriend should NOT dress like. Unless of course she is a part-time clown... nice read :-).

  2. You never know may be she wanted to be the Rainbow of the day. Seeking attention.
